Is shiny produce worth the risk?

Are Shiny Products worth the risk? Many people I speak with, including my own clients are unhappy when fresh produce goes bad in a few days. I’m curious if anyone remembers or has asked a parent or grandparent how long food lasted 20 years ago. Produce is waxed to increase shelf life and make it […]

Using Tasty Foods & Herbs to Combat Illness

I thought I would blog about some information that was a bit more positive rather than informing you of fungicides in your produce….my natural medicine cabinet! Most people are aware that there are natural alternatives out there for everyday ailments. Many of these alternatives can be found at stores like Sprouts or Whole Foods, some […]

Natural vs. Organic: What All of It Really Means

I would like to begin by stating I am specifically writing about produce and not canned or jarred foods. For example jars of peanut butter that say “All Natural” is not what I’m referring to. That subject has enough information on its own for a completely separate blog. MAP Packaging I want to look at […]